Smith Board Co Pros

Our pros are fundamental to our innovation process and the Smith Board Co brand. We draw inspiration from our elite roster and are thankful to have the following wakesurfers representing Smith Board Co.

Jordan Taylor

Hi! I’m Jordy! I am a professional wakesurfer based out of Arizona. I was born and raised in Durango, Colorado and started wakesurfing over 10 years ago. My family had a 2000 Malibu Sunsetter that my dad built a plywood Surf Gate for! We have been hooked ever since. I came to Arizona to attend Arizona State University and my family has since followed me here. Though I didn’t get to spend as much time as I hoped on the water during school, I have just graduated and am hoping to get out on the lake with my family more. After many years of dreaming of having my own pro-model board, I am so stoked to be working with Smith Board Co to design my own board from scratch! Working with a Colorado-based company feels full circle since that is where I fell in love with the sport of wakesurfing.
What first drew you to wakesurfing, and how has your passion for the sport evolved over time?
I was first drawn to wakesurfing during the many summer vacations to Tennessee to visit my mom's side of the family. Our extended family and friends were getting into the sport and it inspired my family to get a boat in Colorado. My mom grew up in a lake house in East Tennessee and I think I was just born with a “lake life” desire! We have spent many summers in Tennessee and Colorado playing on the lake and I feel so grateful to have those memories. As I’ve grown up I have realized how important water is to me. I feel so grounded at the lake, the ocean, and even the pool. Wakesurfing can almost become meditative and it is something that has always been able to calm my busy mind down. Overall, I am so grateful to be connected to the water through wakesurfing, swimming, and playing.
What's the most challenging trick you've ever landed, and what are you currently working on mastering?
The most challenging trick I have landed so far has been the big-spin. I have landed 3 times in the same line and have not landed it since! It is funny how tricks can elude us. I would like to master this trick because it was exhilarating to land! A challenging trick I am still working on landing for the first time is the blind body varial. Landing anything blind is extremely difficult.
What advice would you give to aspiring wakesurfers who want to progress their skills?
The best advice I have is actually from Ashley Inloes. She is known for her saying, “falling = learning.” Learning how to wakesurf is hard, learning tricks is hard, and mastering tricks is harder. But, when you are falling you are learning each time. It can be easy to get discouraged when a trick feels so far away but it will come if you keep trying. It took me 3 years to land my first 360 and it took me 3 tries to learn a front-side 180. Sometimes they come easier than others and that is okay! Just gotta get back up and try again! And most importantly, HAVE FUN!
What are you most looking forward to achieving as a Smith Board Co pro rider?
I am most looking forward to a new community, support system, and team! I am super stoked to work with an engineer to develop a board based on my riding style and preferences and hopefully others love it too! I am excited to share my passion of wakesurfing with this new team I’ve got and also with everyone else who loves this sport. The watersport world is truly a tight-knit community and I would love to see it grow!

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Unleash Your Potential

Ride Like The Pros

Our Pro Series Wakesurf Boards are engineered in collaboration with top wakesurfing pros to meet their exact specifications. Experience the same speed, agility, and air that the pros rely on to crush competitions. Designed for ultimate performance, our boards will elevate your wakesurfing game to new heights.

Get Your Pro Series Board Now

Ryan DiPietro

I have been surfing for 4 years now and primarily riding skim style for 3. My love for the sport kicked off after finding out that a professional wake surfer lived on the other side of town from me and we connected for a lesson. After seeing what the professional side of the sport looked like I was determined to push myself as far as I could. Once I heard about how Smith Board Co. was approaching wakesurf board technology from a different angle than anyone else, I knew that I had to become a part of the team because they have the ability to help me reach the next level of my riding. The combination of technology and support from Smith Board Co. as well as my desire to spread wakesurfing in the Northeast makes for a connection that is bound to make waves in the industry.
What first drew you to wakesurfing, and how has your passion for the sport evolved over time?
My desire to start wakesurfing started after the trips to the ocean became frustrating, waiting for good conditions and to find other people to join me for the 1.5 hour trip each way. Growing up on a lake and first hearing about wakesurfing seemed like the remedy for both of those problems. From the first time I dropped the rope the fire was lit and I wanted to spread the stoke with everyone I could. From that day I have taught numerous people including family, friends, and clients all over the northeast. Nothing is as rewarding as seeing the smiles of others as they experience the thrill of dropping the rope for the first time.
What's the most challenging trick you've ever landed, and what are you currently working on mastering?
Easily the front three shuv. This trick took so many attempts and I kept getting frustratingly close each time. When I landed it, my friends in the boat tackled me into the water, leaving me with one of the best memories I have when landing a trick for the first time. As far as what I'm currently working on, I am trying to land a Hail-Mary (backside 360 body varial) and I'm also working on Gumby-shuvs.
What advice would you give to aspiring wakesurfers who want to progress their skills?
Don’t be afraid of falling and use the time in between runs to think about what to do differently the next run.
What are you most looking forward to achieving as a Smith Board Co pro rider?
I’m most looking forward to spreading wakesurfing in the Northeast and progressing to be the best surfer I can be. I know that SBC has the technology and expertise to help me reach the highest level of surfing possible.

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Interested in riding for Smith Board Co as a Pro? Let’s talk! Click the button below and send us a message with your interest. We'll follow up and discuss if you're a good fit for Smith Board Co.

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Pro Perks

At Smith Board Co, we aren’t just building a team of riders, we are building a fun, passionate community of humans who love to play and nerd-out on the water. While we customize every relationship to ensure our riders have the support they need, here’s an example of what to expect when you join Smith Board Co:
  • Pro series board and gear that they will co-create with our engineers and designers.
  • Share of the profits for the sale of their pro series boards
  • Boards of choice, free of charge
  • Free repairs
  • Custom graphics
  • Direct cell phone contact to founders
  • Discount codes and swag to distribute
  • VIP lake days with the SBC crew
  • Prodeals account
  • Posting fee based on engagement
Coming Soon!
  • Competition stipend/ fees paid
  • Travel budget/ competition support